Resident feedback for Calgary Transit – Route # 23

The City is looking to make improvements to transit along 52nd Street, with the potential of implementing a BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) system along 52nd Street. Route 23 (Foothills Industrial) bus travels from Saddletowne all the way down to Seton and it is almost at capacity. Public engagement on this project begins on Monday and here’s how we’re asking you to help share the information out to your communities so they can share their feedback and comments with the folks working on this program.

52 Street East Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Functional Planning Study – We want your feedback!

The City of Calgary is working to improve transit along 52 Street East, and we need your help! We’re exploring options to upgrade Route 23 into a faster, more reliable Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system. As part of this process, we are conducting a Functional Planning Study to gather feedback and shape the future of transit along this important corridor

Key details:

  • 30 km corridor from Saddletowne Circle (Saddle Ridge) to Seton.
  • Potential extension of MAX Teal route to 52 Street East, improving transfer convenience.
  • The study will focus on:
    o BRT station locations and design.
    o Walking and cycling access to stations.
    o Transit priority measures.
    o Enhancing the connection with the MAX Teal extension.

How to Get Involved:
Online Feedback: Share your thoughts from February 10 to March 10 by visiting .
Pop-Up Events: Look for City of Calgary staff at various locations in February and March to provide your feedback in person. See for location list.